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You’ve got the study ideas… Do you need help learning HOW TO study the Bible?


Bible Study Basics

Everything you need to study the Bible with joy and confidence!


Experience the Life-Giving Power of the Word of God

I promise: With a few deep-dive Bible study tips, an understanding of the Bible’s overarching story, and …. yes, TIME… with more and more fruitful time spend in God’s Word, your Bible study habit will become the refreshing refuge and soul-food you need. You’ll find yourself longing for more time with God and enjoying the depth of His Word.


Connection Over Perfection

We will begin by putting aside our perfectionist tendencies to build a lasting habit of connecting with God. Let's set up a plan for when, where, and how we will meet with Him. Then, the difference is nothing but a mindset shift: Instead of aiming for "success", aim for connection.


Beware Cherry-Picking

I'll show you just why you need to treat those Bible verses on T-Shirts and beautiful social media graphics with care - and how to do so. You'll find the real meaning behind those Scriptures even more life-giving because they are true!


The Story of Redemption

I'll lay out the Bible's storyline as it weaves through each book of the Bible - so that whatever book you're reading, you understand its content and meaning. Understanding the overall story of the Bible is important because each verse of the Bible fits somewhere into that story.


Study the Bible Inductively

Studying the Bible inductively means using the Observation, Interpretation, and Application Bible study method. It's what pastors and scholars use to study Scripture - or what you might learn at a Bible College. In this section, I'll show you how to really dig deep into a Bible passage on your own, no study guide needed.


Connect with God through Scripture

We will also go over some creative ways to interact with Scripture on those days when you just don't have the energy to dig super deep. Remember, Bible study is about connecting with God, and we can do that through prayer, creativity, and even times of rest.


We'll finish up this course by putting all of these skills together into one joyful and engaging Bible study habit.
