Meditating on Truth with Bible Coloring Pages

Here we go... it's time to meditate on God's Word!


The Word of God is alive and active, my friend (Hebrews 14:12). Dwelling on its truth refreshes our soul and renews our minds.

I've been asking God to teach me about patience this year. In response, He has convicted me of my need to take more times of resting in Him. Truly, it has been something that I've had to intentionally practice because it does not come easily to me.

I ordered the "The Word in Color" Bible verse coloring book to help me with this new spiritual discipline of meditating on Scripture. For the next four weeks, I'll be sharing how God has used this tool to help me rest in Him. I hope you join me!!

How to Meditate on Scripture by Coloring

I am not an artist by any means, as you will see this month... This exercise has not been about creating beautiful art but about dwelling on God's Word. If you are an artist and can create beauty in the process, more power to you! That's wonderful.

Here are a few tips to make this a life-changing experience:

  1. Read the verse in context before you begin coloring. That way, as you spend your time dwelling on Scripture, you have a much better idea of what it's actually talking about. Skipping this step can lead to some serious misinterpretation of Scripture.

  2. Consider each phrase of the verse when coloring and dwell on the truth it presents. What difference can/should this truth make in your life?

  3. Pray as you color and think. Ask God to help you internalize and apply the verse in front of you. Ask Him to help you more strongly rely on Him!

  4. Snap a picture of your verse and text it to someone you love with an encouraging note. Who needs the reminder of this verse and a little recap of how God just used it in your life?

Meditating on Scripture with Bible coloring pages

Strength for Today

I began with the first picture in the "The Word in Color" coloring book, which happens to be Philippians 4:13:  "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Oh boy, if there ever is a verse that needs to be read in context, it's this one. So let's!

Paul writes to the church of Phillipi: "I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me.Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:10-13)

Paul is not claiming any selfish victories here but rather declaring that through Christ he has the strength to stay content in any circumstance.

Let me be completely honest. Whenever I come across this verse, my first reaction is to internally shout out how this verse is taken out of context way too much... and then I move on.

Dwelling on this verse was amazing. Here is what I considered while I colored:

  1. I CAN: This is a positive affirmation. It can be done, indeed! No more defeatist attitudes, my friend, I CAN stay content and patient in all circumstances.

  2. ALL THINGS: No circumstance will be such that I can justify complaining or other sinful reactions. None of these are beyond God's control.

  3. THROUGH CHRIST WHO: I actually began by coloring this phrase because I don't want to spend even a minute thinking to myself how awesome I AM to be able to stay content in my own strength. It's through Christ all this is possible!

  4. GIVES ME STRENGTH: That's right, ladies! Christ gives us strength. On our own, we might feel like crumbling to the floor in self-pity. Christ doesn't leave us there. He gives us the strength to get up and change our attitude. He gives us the strength to deal with whatever is before us - one hour at a time, with our eyes fixed on Him.

Oh, how I prayed that God would help me remember this truth the next time my inner peace and patience level was put to the test!

I sent this picture to a wonderful friend who is actually quite the closet artist. She loves creating beautiful things and allowing the process to change her mindset and calm her heart. I dropped her a quick note to allow her to share in the joy of God calming my heart through this special reminder.

Well, wouldn't you know that a day later, I found out that my four-year-old had lice? Oh no! I had seriously been dreading this day since before my children were conceived. I am not even kidding.

My mind was frantic as I raced to the drug store to get a lice kit. I kept repeating to myself how much I have been dreading this day and how it would change all of my plans. Before beginning the house and hair cleanse, I send a quick prayer request to the friend I mentioned above.

What did I see in my text message history to her? "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

It hit me! I can stay calm and even content while cleansing my house from pesty lice. I CAN - not because I am awesome but because God is and because He is providing me with strength.

I came to God with a different prayer: "Ok, I'm going to need that extra portion of strength. I am feeling it fuel my body right now. Ok, God! Let's take this one task at a time. Let's go!"

I can't say that I enjoyed deep-cleaning my house and my kids' heads or that I'd love to do it again... please, God, no!

I can say that God provided me with peace and calm every step of the way. When I felt myself losing it, I came right back to God in prayer for that next portion of strength that I needed.

I truly believe that the time of rest I took the day before set me up for success. Of course, it is just like God to give me that particular verse just when I needed it.

God does not forget

One of the amazing things about serving the almighty and faithful God is this:

Even when we take our eyes off Him, He remains faithful. His promises to us stand in spite of us. He will not, cannot forget them.

Isaiah 49:16 reminded me of that truth - even though at first glance, I thought I was picking a whole other lesson. Thank God for the habit of reading verses in context. Let's take a look.

"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Isaiah 49:16

Flipping through my "The Word in Color" Bible verse coloring book, I came across this one and thought I'd be contemplating my deep commitment to the Lord.

It turns out, as soon as you read this verse in context, you'll notice it is actually about the Lord's commitment to us. Yes, we are not in a one-sided relationship. We do not worship an unresponsive God. Remember, we serve the God who came to this earth and died for us!

At the time God gave this word of truth to Isaiah, Israel was in exile. God had already promised to restore them and is reminding them here that He has not forgotten His people. Isaiah 48:14-16 says,

14 But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me,
    the Lord has forgotten me.”

15 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
    and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
    I will not forget you!
16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
    your walls are ever before me.

Let's consider this verse more closely:

  1. I have written: Without reading too much into the language used here, I think it is fair to say that this was an active decision the Lord made. He wrote... an action He actively chose.

  2. Your Name: When the Bible speaks of names, it signifies so much more than it does today. It's not just what people shout out to get your attention. It signifies who you are.

  3. On the Palm of my Hands: There it is... your name written on the palm of His hands. The Lord will not forget about you. You are on His mind daily because your name is right there on His hand. He cannot help but remember you in all that He does.

Is that refreshingly comforting to you? It was to me.

I send the picture of this verse to a young girl from church who had been on my heart and mind that week. I wanted to share with her the blessing that meditating on the Word through coloring had been in my life lately and remind her of God's faithfulness at the same time.

I am His Work in Progress

Do you ever feel like you can't live up to the high standards the Bible has for a biblical woman? I feel like that sometimes when I read Proverbs 31. Meditating on a verse from this passage reminded me of the important piece that I often miss - and that happens to change everything.

I initially chose the following verse from the "Word in Color"  Bible verse coloring book because I was looking for a character challenge. I had already picked a verse that reminded me of God's help in every challenge and the greatness of God's character. 

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

It is another popular verse that you have probably seen in many places on the web. I chose to color this page and meditate on this verse and passage to explore that gut feeling I had at first glance.

The gut feeling that says, "I am not her. I cannot live up to her standards."

The Proverbs 31 woman seems to have it all together, right? She tirelessly works, earns a living, runs her home in a manner that her husband and kids praise her -- all with that sense of strength and dignity and without a care in the world.

Why is that? What's her secret?

This is where I had to pull in my knowledge of God and human beings. None of us are really "all that". When we get it right, it's usually because God enabled us. He gives us strength. He grows our character.

I spent two days of my quiet time meditating on this verse/passage. On the first day, I colored in the flourishes and allowed myself to remember the truth that God was behind the greatness of this woman - the same God who lives within me.

It is not by my own strength that I strive to live a life honoring to God but by His.

On day two, I considered this verse more closely:

  1. She is clothed with strength and dignity: I can't help but feel that these are inner qualities that show on the outside. Again, God has done work in this woman's heart. He has provided her strength and grown her into a woman of honorable character. She wears these qualities like clothing - visible, actively putting them on.

  2. She laughs without fear of the future: This woman doesn't have a care in the world. Why? It is because she trusts God. She has probably seen Him work in her life, knows of His wonderous character - all truths we have already considered in this article series. There we have it again. That sense of peace and calm. Resting in the Lord makes a difference... and that's why we are focusing on meditating on God's Word.

My best friend and I had recently been talking about this truth - that it is not by our own strength we should seek to better ourselves. Rather, we should continue to ask God to change us from the inside out. I sent her this verse and shared with her that I was once again reminded of this truth from our last conversation.

God is Sovereign

We serve a mighty, faithful, and loving God. None compare to Him!

As we are talking about meditating on Scripture, let's dwell on God's character. As we do, our hearts will be filled with worship towards our Creator and our minds will remember to put our full trust Him.

I've been using the "Word in Color" Bible verse coloring book to help me meditate on Scripture and take intentional times of rest that focus on prayer and dwelling on truth. That's what this wonderful tool has allowed me to do.

I picked this verse because, at first glance, it seemed like such a random phrase taken out of a Psalm, but at the second glance, I was already excited about taking the time to swell on the greatness of God.

Here is today's truth from the second of Psalm 8:3: "The moon and the stars You have set in place."

Let's begin by reading Psalm 8. You'll see your heart will switch into worship mode right away:

1 Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory
    in the heavens.
2 Through the praise of children and infants
    you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
    to silence the foe and the avenger.
3 When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?

5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
    and crowned them with glory and honor.
6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
    you put everything under their feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
    and the animals of the wild,
8 the birds in the sky,
    and the fish in the sea,
    all that swim the paths of the seas.

9 Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

How majestic God is indeed! Let's dwell on our phrase from verse 3.

  1. The moon and the starts are only one example the Psalmists brings up in the worshipful poem. We are worshipping God, the Creator. I think of the beauty I see in nature every day - put there by Him. I think of how well the moon and the stars lighten the earth at night for us to see. God created this world suitable for us to live and thrive here. That speaks to His love and care for us!

  2. It is our God, who set all this in place. That's the God we serve. That's the type of powerful God we pray to and rely on each day!

I send a picture of this verse to a dear friend whose grandbaby has been in and out of the hospitals as the doctors are trying to figure out how to help her. It struck me that this God, who set the moon and the stars in place, is watching over her.

God creates all of us. He knows us to the depths of our being - more than we know ourselves, more than doctors know us. Plus, He cares for us and loves us. What better to do than put our trust in Him and draw peace from knowing His character!

Alright... now it's your turn. 

Pick a verse, dwell on it (with or without a coloring book), and share with me how God used this time.


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