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Scripture Confident Living Blog

How to praise God like King David
Devos Ellen Hopkins Devos Ellen Hopkins

How to praise God like King David

Praise is an essential part of worshipping God. We don’t approach our heavenly Father only to ask more of Him but also to remember not only what He has already given us but also Who He is. We praise Him simply for being God, our faithful Father, our loving Creator, our righteous King.

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Making Bible Study A Habit
Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins

Making Bible Study A Habit

Have you ever wondered how to make Bible study a habit? I mean, start strong and keep reading Scripture daily? Reading the Bible every day is such a valuable Christian discipline. Let me help you get started and loving it!But how can you get started? Whether you have tried before (and possibly failed) or are brand-new to developing a Bible-study habit, here are some tips to start this new habit.

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Your Bible’s “Early Manuscript” Footnote Explained
Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins

Your Bible’s “Early Manuscript” Footnote Explained

You are reading your Bible and come across a little [a]. You check your Bible’s footnote to find a notation that early manuscripts show a different rendition of this verse or possibly omitted it altogether. Questions start piling up in your head: What are these early manuscripts? Which version of the verse is trustworthy? Which is inspired by God? Do we have a trustworthy copy of the Bible?

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Understanding God’s Will
Devos Ellen Hopkins Devos Ellen Hopkins

Understanding God’s Will

Wouldn’t you just love to magically know God’s will in any situation? Life would be so much easier if we just knew God's plan for our lives, right?

Directions for every twist and turn of your life may not be written out on paper, but God does tell us in His Word how we can test and approve what His will is.

We don't have to wander in the dark.

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6 Attributes of a Redeemed Christian and a Transformed Church
Devos Ellen Hopkins Devos Ellen Hopkins

6 Attributes of a Redeemed Christian and a Transformed Church

We have been made alive in Christ. Now, what do our lives look like? What should they look like? And what impact may that have on the Church?

Paul encourages us to live renewed lives by the mercy of God and to enter into God-centered community with one another. Which of these six attributes do you already wear by His grace, and which do you need to put on today?

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Meditating on Truth with Bible Coloring Pages
Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins

Meditating on Truth with Bible Coloring Pages

The Word of God is alive and active, my friend (Hebrews 14:12). Dwelling on its truth refreshes our soul and renews our minds.

I've been asking God to teach me about patience this year. In response, He has convicted me of my need to take more times of resting in Him. Truly, it has been something that I've had to intentionally practice because it does not come easily to me.

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Overcoming Bitterness with Patience
Devos Ellen Hopkins Devos Ellen Hopkins

Overcoming Bitterness with Patience

Overcoming bitterness can be hard work, but in the end, it's so worth it. While bitterness is a burden to the soul, forgiveness and patience bring freedom. Let's take a look at Psalm 37 as it teaches us how to overcome bitterness with patience.

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Tracing the Bible's Storyline Through 66 Books
Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins Tips & Tricks Ellen Hopkins

Tracing the Bible's Storyline Through 66 Books

You’ve seen portions of the Bible - maybe you’ve even done a read-through - but there are so many different texts you are still wondering: What is the Bible about? Now you hear me saying there is actually one storyline in the Bible, and your skeptic radar is going off. How is that possible when every page you turn seems to talk about a different topic? 

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Keeping An Eternal Perspective
Devos Ellen Hopkins Devos Ellen Hopkins

Keeping An Eternal Perspective

What happens when you develop an eternal perspective on life - when you choose to keep your eyes on Jesus in the midst of earthly trouble? What does it mean to keep an eternal perspective that brings you peace in all circumstances?The apostles are amazing examples to us of believers totally given to a life of ministry, loving God and loving others, and advancing His kingdom. Let’s learn from them.

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Romans: Learning Grace
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Romans: Learning Grace

Discover the good news of the gospel with new excitement when you study through the book of Romans with us. Paul explains why salvation by faith for all should change the way we extend grace to ourselves and others.

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Romans: Don't Conform. Be transformed.
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Romans: Don't Conform. Be transformed.

The Bible is anything but dry. Bible study should never be merely about gaining head knowledge but all about changing our lives for the better.

Paul has explained the gospel to us in depth. Now, he encourages us to put it into action. So, how do we put “justification by faith” into action?

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Romans: God is More Than Fair
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Romans: God is More Than Fair

Are you awed by the incredible news of the gospel after reading the book of Romans up until now? How can our hearts not be soaring with excitement over the freedom we have in Christ?

Yet, Paul seems to anticipate a different reaction from his audience. He expects them to still be stuck on this question, “What good is it to be a descendant of Abraham?” Doesn't their status as a Jew or an Israelite mean anything anymore? The Jews had been God's favored people for so long. How can the playing field be completely level now? How can faith be accessible to both Jews and Gentiles alike all of a sudden? This just did not seem fair to them.

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Romans: More Than Conquerers
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Romans: More Than Conquerers

The gospel is freeing. It tells us that God's grace will always be bigger than our mistakes. We have savored that fact over the last few weeks. We left off with this question: What is the conclusion of all this for our lives going forward? Shall we go on sinning so that God can show Himself even more gracious?

Chapter 6 starts with this question. Paul immediately gives us a resounding “no”! Of course, we should not set out to sin more than our sinful selves will naturally do. We have committed our lives to Christ and His standards. While obedience to Him does not earn our salvation, it certainly should be an outworking of it.

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Romans: God's Plans Don't Change.
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Romans: God's Plans Don't Change.

Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. He is never surprised by anything, and His promises hold true from beginning to end.

It is a common misconception that God was different in the Old Testament than in the New, or that salvation was obtained differently then compared to now. The truth is that God planned to send Jesus to save us from day one.

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Romans: I Am Not Ashamed
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Romans: I Am Not Ashamed

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles.”

Romans 1:16

Paul is not ashamed of the gospel. In fact, it is his whole reason for writing and his driving force for traveling and ministering to people he otherwise never would have met or loved.

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Freed to Love - the Book of Romans
Ellen Hopkins Ellen Hopkins

Freed to Love - the Book of Romans

Discover the good news of the gospel with new excitement when you study through the book of Romans with us. Paul explains why salvation by faith for all should change the way we extend grace to ourselves and others.

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How to Remain Faithful to God in a Faithless World
Devos Ellen Hopkins Devos Ellen Hopkins

How to Remain Faithful to God in a Faithless World

Living out our faith boldly and faithfully is not always easy. Every day, we are confronted with a world that teaches lies and has no interest in the truth. We meet opposition - and often shy away from it. How do we remain faithful, continue to make disciples, and discern between true and false teachings in a world that’s drifting further from the truth?

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